4 Ways to Make Sure Students Are Watching Your Videos

4 Ways to Make Sure Students Are Watching Your Videos

Was your college education largely spent sitting in lecture halls and classrooms listening to professors talk (…and talk…and talk)? Even if that works in face-to-face situations—and research is showing otherwise—it’s […]

Dear Instructor, You Will Love This Tool!

Dear Instructor, You Will Love This Tool!

When broaching the argument that online courses aren’t as effective as in-person, people often bring up the absence of face to face contact. But video conferencing platforms like Zoom and […]


A Closer Look at the Peralta Equity Rubric

The award-winning, research-based Peralta Equity Rubric is designed to work with the OEI Course Design Rubric to foster an expanded understanding and appreciation for student populations, particularly for disproportionately impacted students.

Why Groups Assignments Are Worth Your Attention

Why Group Assignments Are Worth Your Attention

The newly-released updates to Title 5 regulations for online learning include a specific requirement of regular effective contact among students. It’s time to move beyond discussions and embrace the wealth […]

CCC Digital Learning Day 2-28-19

Recap of CCC Digital Learning Day 2019

One year ago, CVC-OEI/@ONE held our first free, online conference, CCC Digital Learning Day. On February 28, 2019, this event was held for a second time. Our move away from […]

Byte-sized Canvas: It's Time to Rethink Feedback

It’s Time to Rethink Feedback

Instructor presence is crucial to student success, perhaps especially in an online learning environment. Offering regular, meaningful feedback is an excellent way to contribute to student learning and to make […]