Online Teaching Principles Capstone

Online Teaching Principles Capstone

To enroll in this Capstone, you must be an employee of a California Community College.

Course Image: Online Teaching Capstone


The Capstone course guides you through the completion of your capstone project and serves as the final step in completing the Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles. The capstone project involves developing a public website, using the tool of your choice, that demonstrates your growth and development in each of the @ONE Principles for Quality Online Teaching.

Capstone Project Examples

Enrolling in the Capstone

To be eligible to enroll in the capstone, you must successfully complete the following courses, each of which is aligned with one of the @ONE Principles for Quality Online Teaching:

  • Humanizing Online Learning (Principle 1)
  • Equity & Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Online Environment (Principle 2)
  • Dynamic Online Teaching (Principle 3)
  • Digital Citizenship (Principle 4)

Once you complete the four Principles courses, contact us to enroll in the Capstone.

What to Expect Once You Are Enrolled in the Capstone

Once you are enrolled in the capstone course:

  • Complete the Mentor Request form located within the first module
  • Your mentor will contact you support you through the completion of your Capstone project
  • Once you complete your capstone project, you will be awarded a digital badge for the @ONE Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles. Your badge may be retrieved directly through (once you create a free Badgr) account.


Fulfills: This course is part of the Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles, and fulfills the capstone requirement for the certificate.
Duration: open-ended
Time Commitment: approximately 40 hours
Level of Difficulty: Advanced


By the end of this course, participants will:

  • demonstrate they have successfully completed the required courses
  • produce a website or eportfolio that demonstrates their understanding and application of the @ONE Online Teaching Principles

Optional Graduate-Level University Credit

Participants in this course can seek optional graduate-level university credits by dual-enrolling in TEC 1851 at Fresno Pacific University. A separate fee due to FPU will apply.

Registration Tutorials

catalog tutorial

First time attendee registration tutorial

Returning attendee registration tutorial

Dropping a Course

We know that sometimes even the best-laid plans go awry. If you find you need to drop your @ONE course, please:

NOTE: If you drop prior to the first day of class, Contact Us to request a refund.

Fresno Pacific University (FPU) Course Credit

Graduate-level university credit (optional) is available for @ONE courses for a fee. Please see our Graduate Education Units page for more information.

I have questions
about courses

We understand that there are many options and sometimes you have questions. Most questions can be answered immediately with FAQ articles. If not then contact us.

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