Ever heard of cognitive overload? Well, it’s real and it’s interfering with your students’ ability to absorb all your fabulous course content. In this Byte-sized session, we’ll look at what you can do to minimize this often-overlooked educational impediment.
This is part two of an article series by Colleen Harmon. To consider Colleen’s experiences as a learner in the @ONE Certificate programs, please read A Principled Online Teaching Journey: Part 1.
First, as a student; then as a mentor
After completing the Advanced Online Teaching Principles (OTP) Capstone, I became a mentor for colleagues pursuing the capstone. Mentoring gave me a chance to share what I learned and to help others, but in fact I was often the beneficiary in the relationship. My colleagues opened their minds and hearts to me, sharing their lessons learned and aspirations. I experienced through their eyes how they grew as a result of completing the OTP courses and the impacts that growth has on the success of their students.
In the reflections documented in their capstone projects, several instructors expressed a desire to do more for their online students prior to beginning the @ONE courses. A couple of instructors were concerned that their students might think of them as robots. Others realized how negative and unsupportive their syllabi were. Across the board, faculty who completed the @ONE courses describe how those courses transformed their current teaching. Now, these instructors provide opportunities for their students to connect with each other and with them using video and interactive methods—no robots to be found! They communicate to students using supportive and guiding language. They create non-disposable assignments that take students into the real world. These faculty engage students in the continued evolution of their courses. The shift of attitudes and approaches from not just student-centered learning but to human-centered learning creates opportunities for their students to be present in their courses, to learn and place the meaning of the coursework within the world at large, and to connect with each other. As an example, one instructor shared a comment from a student who said that they now feel like there’s someone on the other end of the computer who cares about them. These transformations can make the difference in students’ success.
My 45 California community college colleagues who completed the Advanced OTP Capstone come from various disciplines, from business law to counseling, English and other languages, fine arts, history, and sociology. No matter their discipline, their capstones share a common theme: The joy of online teaching and learning.
And that’s probably the most impactful take-away from the Advanced OTP courses: Joy.
With a full heart and an appreciative mind, I thank the facilitators of the Advanced Online Teaching Principles courses. You provided models of the principles in action. Your words and ideas continue to inform my teaching.
Thank you, too, to the many colleagues who graciously allowed me to accompany them on their own Advanced OTP Capstone journey. Each of you provided yet another opportunity for me to look at the path that lies ahead and you nudged me further along the journey.
To facilitators and colleagues alike, thank you for the inspiration.
While the CVC/@ONE Advanced Online Teaching Principles Certificate is no longer being offered, the principles it espouses continue to infuse quality into online teaching and learning.
A few inspiring examples
The final capstone project was a public website demonstrating growth and development in the five principles. I could easily list all the projects here to whet your appetite for what’s possible when the OTP principles inform teaching and learning, but I’ll list just a few. Enjoy!
This article is part one of a two-part series. The next part will include a showcase of faculty capstone projects from the CVC/@ONE Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles.
I sometimes do things backwards. Not intentionally. It happens when I’m captivated by an idea and run with it. That’s how I initiated my pursuit of CVC/@ONE’s Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles (Advanced OTP). @ONE (the Online Network of Educators) is the professional development arm of CVC, the Chancellor’s Office-funded initiative aimed at improving access to high quality and fully supported online courses for more students.
Although the Advanced OTP certificate is no longer offered, the five @ONE Principles for Quality Online Teaching that form its framework are compelling and vital to effective learning and teaching. What follows is my own journey as a student of Advanced OTP and then as a mentor for others.
First, as a student in online learning
In 2017, I had just completed local online learning certification on campus. I heard about CVC/@ONE, surveyed their online classes, and decided to enroll. My first course was Equity and Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Online Learning Environment with Arnita Porter and Fabiola Torres. In quick succession came Digital Citizenship with Aloha Sargent and James Glapa-Grossklag, Dynamic Online Teaching with Dayamudra Dennehy and Matt Calfin, and Humanizing Online Learning with Michelle Pacansky-Brock and Tracy Schaelen. These courses comprised the Advanced OTP certificate pathway which, combined with a capstone, lead to the certificate. What I didn’t realize at the time is that the Advanced OTP certificate was suggested to be completed after the Certificate in Online Teaching and Design (OTD) program, which consists of four other courses. So after completing the Advanced OTP, I backtracked and completed the OTD certificate, too. As it turns out, completing the two certificate pathways backwards was one of the best mistakes I’ve made.
@ONE course facilitators walk the talk
The four courses of the Advanced OTP certificate focus on online teaching principles, and the facilitators of those courses put the principles into practice, giving me a front row seat to see how learning spaces are created with the student in mind. Every facilitator, and @ONE facilitators are California Community College faculty, fostered connecting, growing, and sharing in the OTP courses, creating the space for each of us as students to be present, to give and take, and to learn.
The courses provided valuable opportunities to build relationships and participate in teaching communities that too often are not available to part-time faculty, and the facilitators encouraged such community building throughout the courses and beyond. This was an unexpected and welcome benefit which I continue to enjoy, and I heard this refrain repeated from my part-time colleagues around the state.
These principles are designed to meet the needs of the diverse students that we serve in the California community college system.
Equitize: Equity ensures that each student has access to what they need to succeed. Turning “equity” into a verb, making the learning space more equitable includes not just providing opportunities for students to learn based on what they know, but also providing support for them to fill in gaps in their knowledge, stretch their wings, access services they need, and reach their full academic potential.
Humanize: I like to think of humanizing courses as “showing up”—not just for me, but for my students, too. The Humanizing course took me out of my “professorial” persona and gave me back my personal attributes, those traits, qualities, and quirks that make me, me, and make my courses different from other English instructors. My students, too, show up more in my courses now, building relationships and creating community.
Adapt: Even instructors who had no previous experience with online learning prior to spring 2020 had to pivot to an online modality because of the pandemic. That’s one way to adapt. But the principle conveyed by adapting refers to more than that. When I adapt my teaching to predict and respond to student performance and feedback, I increase students’ level of interaction and agency; they grow stronger as independent learners. They also adapt with exercises in meta-cognition and self-assessment.
Navigate and expand: Navigating and expanding the learning space is about traversing the disciplinary field and its manifestations in my students’ world. My courses address this principle by strengthening students’ ability to navigate the information landscape skilfully and by fostering their curiosity. By making sense of content in the open web as opposed to only in Canvas, students develop information and digital literacy, skills that are critical for success in today’s world. Practicing this principle, I’ve also adopted OER and ideas from Open Pedagogy to increase student access to quality course materials and to engage students in learning by exploring, creating, and sharing what they’ve learned.
Learn and grow: The fifth principle, learn and grow, is about me. Although I teach, I’m also a student. I continue to learn, experiment, assess, and improve. My students and colleagues form my learning community.
The values that underlie these five principles are those that lay the foundation for relationship: mutual respect and caring, appreciation for diversity, recognition of the whole person, and desire for growth. The @ONE online teaching principles are the articulation of these values.
Backwards was better
And that is why completing the two certificate tracks in reverse order worked to my advantage: I learned and practiced the principles before tackling the OTD certificate courses that focus on implementation. I learned “why” before learning “how”.
Learning why I should learn something creates a fertile field for then learning how to do something. We know that a context of meaning—meaning that speaks to the student—fosters learning.
Automaticity is not enough
Of course, we want our students to learn how to do something and to do it well. We want them to achieve mastery of practices, to achieve a level of automaticity so that they don’t have to struggle to remember how to do something or do it well. This level of mastery reflects a level of acquired knowledge and repeated practice translated into habit. When I believe I’ve mastered an individual skill in my teaching practices, I can say I’ve achieved a level of automaticity that facilitates my practice.
This automaticity is well and good, but it’s not enough. Not enough for our students or the world in which they live, and not enough for us. If I learn how to use Canvas to create a welcoming place, one which engages students in learning the course goals, which is accessible and incorporates various design elements to facilitate comprehension, and consider the course “done”, then I’m not putting the principles into practice. Instead, I’d be implementing what I learned without continuing to learn and adapt, and thereby place my courses and methods of teaching at risk of becoming irrelevant or worse. That’s the price of action devoid of principle.
Principles as lifelong goals
On the other hand, the @ONE Principles for Quality Online Teaching are best understood as goals, as signposts that point still further ahead. Yes, I can achieve a level where goals are realized to some degree, where I am closer to the goal, but I can get even closer if I continue the journey.
Learning is personal and social
Here’s one example of how practicing the principles covered in the OTP courses changed how I teach.
In course surveys I provide to students, I ask open-ended questions about their experiences with the online course, to reflect on their learning and the course environment. Requesting this kind of feedback speaks to the principles of increasing student presence in courses, adapting the learning environment to increase student success, and promoting student agency.
Many times, these surveys come back with comments that acknowledge the benefit of this or that element of the course or why students liked a particular assignment above others. But in one such survey, I got a response that stopped me in my tracks.
One student wrote in the nicest possible way, “I wish you would use ‘you’ and not ‘we’.”
At first, I didn’t know what to do with this feedback, though you may be nodding your head now thinking, “rookie mistake.” I had used the first-person plural intentionally throughout the course as a way to emphasize togetherness. I believed the word “we” could forge a subtle bridge between me and my students and between students, helping to create a community of learners.
And then it hit me. When I used the word “we”, I wasn’t talking directly to each student; instead, I was talking to an amorphous entity without an individual personality, goals, and background. The word “we” doesn’t create the space for a student to be present, for that student’s voice to be heard, for that student to interact with agency.
Learning online is an intimate experience. Students enter online courses from their personal spaces, even if that’s a coffee shop. More significantly, they enter as individuals; there’s no corner of the classroom in which they can sink into a desk and remain unseen. In an online class, each one of them shows up.
Thanks to this student’s feedback, I improved my courses by addressing the individual “you”, while continuing to provide opportunities for students to engage in social learning. In fact, social learning relies on individual agency; without “you”, there can be no “we”.
But this evolution in my teaching would not have happened if I was already satisfied that I had achieved successful course design and therefore didn’t solicit feedback or didn’t consider it necessary to iteratively adapt the learning space to meet student needs. This is where practicing the principles—viewing the signposts as pointing further ahead—makes the difference. My courses will never be complete. And that’s paramount.