Digital Learning Day 2020 Update

The CVC-OEI will not be coordinating a centralized CCC Digital Learning Day program in February 2020. However,  there are many ways your college can still be part of this national event. Here are a few ideas:

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Recap of CCC Digital Learning Day 2019

CCC Digital Learning Day 2-28-19

One year ago, CVC-OEI/@ONE held our first free, online conference, CCC Digital Learning Day. On February 28, 2019, this event was held for a second time. Our move away from individual webinars to full day, online conferences has yielded many benefits, summarized here.

CCC Digital Learning Day (CCCDLDay) 2019 was the California Community College's celebration of Digital Learning Day, an international educational event comprised of pop-up programs around the world. Our program, guided by a systemwide advisory committee, was designed around the theme of exploring digital literacies across the curriculum. CCCDLDay is distinct from our annual fall online conference, Can•Innovate, which focuses on supporting the use of Canvas across the California Community College system. For CCCDLDay, we aim to bring educators into a mindful consideration of the many opportunities and challenges that digital learning brings to our mission to prepare students for a successful life. This year, the program was designed to be provocative and raise questions that don't always have answers. And, like all of our conferences, we strived to ensure student voices remained at the center of our inquiry.

The Highlights

The 2019 program included 15 speakers including a keynote presentation, Create: Igniting Our Collective Imagination, by Bonni Stachowiak, host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. A full day of sessions followed, featuring the teaching and learning innovations of CCC faculty and students, including an inspirational student panel moderated by professor Fabiola Torres from Glendale Community College. Matt Mooney, History Professor at Santa Barbara Community College, presented with his former online student, Amber Greene. In Making Creativity SPARKle, the two reflected on the impact of Matt's choice to transform a summative assessment in the course into a student-generated video about a historical topic. Donna Caldwell, from Adobe, shared a demo of Adobe Spark, providing attendees with the how-to knowledge for Matt's innovative practice. Librarians, Cynthia Orozco of East Los Angeles College and Aloha Sargent of Cabrillo College, examined the need for information literacy to be embedded in Canvas courses and shared examples of open educational resources available for use in Canvas. The day wrapped up with two sessions that took us back outside of Canvas and invited participants to join in on "Create" challenges. Chelsea Cohen of Laney College and Gena Estep from Folsom Lake College demonstrated creative uses of Twitter that engage students in networked, global learning. Last, but not least, Liz du Plessis from Barstow Community College and the California Online Community College presented alongside Mayra Avila, one of Liz's online students, and shared how she uses Google Maps to foster collaborative, contextual learning of historical content -- and everyone in the audience had a chance to drop their own pin on a map too. Search the Canvas Commons with "CCCDLDay" and discover a few golden nuggets shared during the day!

The Growth

We saw significant growth from last year in many areas.

Download the full CCCDLDay 2019 report.

Thank you for making CCC Digital Learning Day a success. Mark your calendars for Can•Innovate, our next free online conference, on Friday, October 25, 2019. The Call for Proposals opens next week!

Google Maps Create Challenge

Where in the world are you for CCCDLDay?

  • Drop a pin on our shared map that represents your viewing location.
  • For a chance to win a prize, complete this challenge by Monday, March 4 at 10am PT.

Live map:

Important Notes: 

  • Information you add to our map will be publicly visible, so don't share anything you don't want to be available online.
  • To participate, you must have a Google account to complete this activity.


  • From a computer, go to our shared map.
  • Click "Sign in" in the upper right corner and sign in to your Google account. (If you're already signed in, you will see your profile image instead of a Sign In prompt.)
  • In the search bar at the top of our map, search for your location. (If you're attending from home, search for a nearby public landmark.)
  • When you find it, click on the little pin button that says "Add Marker" and add your pin to the map.
  • Click the pencil button to edit the title, add a description, and add an image to your pin:
    • In the title of the pin, write your first name, last initial, and the name of your location.
    • In the description box, write a few fun facts or something special about your location.
    • Next, click the little camera button in the bottom right corner and add an image or video of your location. You can even upload a photo you took yourself to make it more personal.
  • Lastly, click the blue "Save" button.
  • Voila, you have successfully pinned your location to our map!

Create Challenges

Create Challenges Button

Throughout the day on February 28, we will be announcing "Create Challenges" in some of the sessions. The Create Challenges are your opportunity to apply what you are learning on #CCCDLDay and hone your digital fluency. They are designed to be fun and interactive -- and you'll have a chance to win prizes too!

Gift Box Icon

Adobe Spark Video Create Challenge

  • Attend the 10:00am and/or 11:00am sessions for details.
  • Participate before Wednesday, March 6, 2019 for a chance to win.
  • 4 lucky winners will be selected. Prizes include an Adobe backpack filled with cool swag, 1 Camtasia license from TechSmith, 1 SnagIt license from TechSmith, and 1 one-year VoiceThread higher ed instructor license.
  • Create Challenge form

Gift Box Icon

Twitter Create Challenge

  • Attend the 3:00pm session for details.
  • Participate before Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 10am PT for a chance to win.
  • To be eligible to win a prize, you will need to follow @ONEforTraining on Twitter and reply to the prompt we provide in the 3pm session. Winners will be contacted through a Twitter Direct Message.
  • 4 lucky winners will be selected. Prizes include 1 Camtasia license from TechSmith, 1 SnagIt license from TechSmith, and 2 one-year VoiceThread higher ed instructor license.
  • Tweet to Participate

Gift Box Icon

Google Maps Create Challenge

  • Attend the 4:00pm session for details.
  • Participate before Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 10am PT for a chance to win.
  • To be eligible to win a prize, your contribution must include your first and last name so we have a way to identify you. Winners will be contacted through email.
  • 4 lucky winners will be selected. Prizes include 1 Camtasia license from TechSmith, 1 SnagIt license from TechSmith, and 2 one-year VoiceThread higher ed instructor license.
  • Instructions

CVC-OEI/@ONE would like to thank Adobe, TechSmith, and VoiceThread for their donations in support of CCC Digital Learning Day.

Register Now for CCC Digital Learning Day: Free, Online Conference

In October, more than 1,100 educators across California's community colleges and beyond joined us for Can•Innovate. We are happy to announce that our next free, online conference, CCC Digital Learning Day is now open for registration!

#CCCDLDay, brought to you by CVC-OEI/@ONE, is the California Community College's contribution to the national Digital Learning Day effort. Our theme for 2019 is Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum. The program has been crafted to engage you and your peers in a day of experimentation and creation, as we rethink and refocus our traditional notions of literacy and imagine how we might teach new digital literacies in all disciplines. You'll see teaching innovations that use Adobe Spark Video, Twitter, and Google Maps and Tour Builder to assess student learning, make relevant connections with content, and engage students in meaningful dialogue. Our day also includes a session led by librarians about information literacy and 3 sessions that include student speakers (hooray!).

Register for one or two sessions or join us for the entire day -- from anywhere. All sessions are delivered online in Zoom so you don't have to worry about traveling!

Program Overview

Our event kicks off on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 9am PT with a keynote presentation, Create: Igniting our Collective Imagination, by Bonni Stachowiak, host of the popular podcast, Teaching in Higher Ed, and Director of the Institute for Faculty Development at Vanguard University.

The remainder of our morning program includes two sessions that will take you on a deep dive of Adobe Spark Video, a free, easy-to-use video creation tool. At 10:00 Matt Mooney, faculty at Santa Barbara Community College, will join us with one of his students, Amber Greene, to share how he is using Spark Video to transform his tests from drab to dazzle! After Matt and Amber's session, you'll have the opportunity to see a demo of Adobe Spark Video by Donna Caldwell, from Adobe Education. Donna will entice you to participate in our CCCDLDay Create Challenge too. Join in for a chance to win a cool prize from Adobe! We've intentionally left the lunch hour open to encourage you to dabble with Adobe Spark Video and get started on your video creation.

Our afternoon program kicks off with a student panel at 1pm, hosted by Fabiola Torres from Glendale College. Student panels are always the highlight of any event so we're considering this a must attend session for everyone! At 2pm, we're joined by Cynthia Mari Orozco, from East Los Angeles College, and Aloha Sargent, of Cabrillo College, two librarians who will present, Scaffolding Information Literacy in Canvas.

Our final two presentations feature more teaching and learning innovations and one more student too! At 3pm, Chelsea Cohen of Laney College and Gena Estep of Folsom Lake College will showcase how they are each using Twitter for Networked Global Learning. Their examples will redefine formative assessment as you know it and illuminate a whole new way to think about hashtags and brief messages. Finally, at 4pm, Liz du Plessis, from Barstow College and the California Online College, and her student, Mayra Avila, will be our guides for Mapping Content and Contexts with My Maps and Tour Builder by Google. That's right! Google Maps can do a lot more than help you get to your next destination. It can also foster real-world connections in your courses.

Excited? We are too. Share your excitement by sending a Tweet with the #CCCDLDay hashtag.

If your college is not yet hosting an on-campus viewing room for CCC Digital Learning Day, sign up now! Viewing sessions and creating content with your peers is an awesome way to learn and grow. But if you aren't on campus, no worries. #CCCDLDay is designed to support you no matter where you are.

CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Viewing Room Host Sign-up

Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum

Scroll to view existing campuses that are hosting viewing room. If you are hosting a viewing room that is not listed, please add your info to the bottom of the list.

Campus Viewing Rooms

If you have trouble viewing the form below Try This.

CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Program

Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum

Attend one session or the whole day! The morning portion of program will get you on track to transform your teaching with Adobe Spark Video and participate in our Create Challenge! The afternoon starts with reflections from students, advice on information literacy from librarians, and two faculty spotlights featuring Google Maps, Google Tour Builder, and Twitter for relevant, meaningful learning.

Archives for each event are now available.

Full Program

● Keynote Session 9:00am - 9:45am Pacific ●

Create: Igniting our Collective Imagination

The topic of mindset comes up frequently, as it relates to our students and their academic success. How often, though, do we challenge ourselves to have a growth mindset in terms of our collective digital literacy? Please join us for this session as we focus on our role as creators. Explore how to expand our imagination to create engaging and memorable course content. Examine some of the tools that can be used in the creation process. Extend your capability through the process of curation.
Bonni Stachowiak Portrait
Bonni Stachowiak
Director of the Institute for Faculty Development and
Host of the Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast
Vanguard University

● General Sessions 10:00am - 10:45am Pacific ●

Gift Box Icon

Making Creativity SPARKle in Teaching and Learning

Adobe Spark Video is a free tool that enables the creation of videos that are like visual stories. In this session, Matt Mooney, History professor at Santa Barbara City College, and Amber Greene, a student of Matt's, will discuss how Adobe Spark Video was used to cultivate creativity in Matt's teaching and Amber's learning. Get teaching tips and advice from Matt and learn from Amber about the impact of using creation as a form of assessment.
Matt Mooney Portrait
Matt Mooney
Santa Barbara City College
Amber Greene Portrait
Amber Greene
Santa Barbara City College

● 11:00am - 11:45am ●

Gift Box Icon

Adobe Spark: Demo and Create Challenge

After Matt Mooney dazzles you at 10:00 with his teaching innovations using Adobe Spark Video, attend this session with Adobe's Donna Caldwell. Donna will help you get started with your first Adobe Spark Video and invite you to submit your link to us for our Create Challenge! The winner will win a cool prize from Adobe!
Donna Caldwell Portrait
Donna Caldwell
Sr. Education Solutions Consultant

● 12:00pm - 12:45pm ●

Creation Zone
Put your new video creation skills to work! We've intentionally left the lunch hour free to give you time to experiment and create your Adobe Spark Video. We'll be inviting you to submit your video to us and one creative educator will win a cool prize from Adobe!

Create Challenge Form

● 1:00pm - 1:45pm ●

Student Panel: The Ins and Outs of Digital Learning

Learn from our panel of experts! We will be joined by a group of California Community College students. They will share their experiences using digital tools in their classes.
Fabiola Torres Portrait
Fabiola Torres
Instructor of Ethnic Studies
Glendale Community College
Jessica Bush Portrait
Jessica Bush
Arizona State University
Henry Fan Portrait
Henry Fan
Foothill College
Kelly Ann Gleason Portrait
Kelly Ann Gleason
Cuesta College
Bonnie Harper Portrait
Bonnie Harper
Barstow Community College

● 2:00pm - 2:45pm ●

Scaffolding Information Literacy in Canvas

Do you struggle with getting your students to use quality, relevant resources in their research assignments? In this session, librarians will share best practices for scaffolding information literacy into your classroom curriculum through Canvas. Information literacy involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to locate, evaluate, and use that information effectively. We will discuss information literacy scaffolding in your syllabi, assignments, rubrics, and resources in your course.
Cynthia Mari Orozco Portrait
Cynthia Mari Orozco
Librarian for Equitable Services
East Los Angeles College
Aloha Sargent Portrait
Aloha Sargent
Technology Services Librarian
Cabrillo College

● 3:00pm - 3:45pm ●

Gift Box Icon

Networked, Global Learning with Twitter

Student-student interactions are an essential element of active, meaningful learning experience. How might you go beyond Canvas to leverage Twitter as a vehicle to connect your learners in reflections and dialogue? Each day 100 million people use Twitter to share brief communications and resources with a global audience and 80% of these interactions occur from mobile devices. In this session, Chelsea Cohen and Gena Estep will share their pedagogical applications of Twitter to engage their students with the authors and topics represented in the curriculum and in historical role-playing activities.
Chelsea Cohen Portrait
Chelsea Cohen
Instructor of English to Speakers of Other Languages, DE Coordinator
Laney College
Gena Estep Portrait
Gena Estep
Assistant Professor.
Folsom Lake College

● 4:00pm - 4:45pm ●

Gift Box Icon

Mapping Content and Contexts with My Maps and
Tour Builder by Google

Interactive, digital maps provide learners a way to explore relationships between abstract ideas and real-world contexts. In this session you'll meet a teacher and a student who will show examples of student work created with My Maps, an easy tool for making and sharing custom Google maps online. Students collaborate by adding "pins" to locations on a shared class map along with their own written content, images, and videos. Examples of student work include an icebreaker activity, a map of international events, and a map of historical figures and events. You'll also see examples of how people are using Tour Builder to tell stories around the world through Google Earth's imagery. Instructional materials will be provided so you can get started creating custom maps and supporting students as they visualize what they're learning in geographic context.
Liz du Plessis Portrait
Liz du Plessis
Faculty/Contract Faculty
Barstow Community College; California Online Community College
Mayra Avila Portrait
Mayra Avila
Barstow Community College

CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Register

Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum

Select the session, click the registration (at the bottom) you will receive a confirmation from Eventbrite and the important confirmations from ConferZoom. We recommend you save these. The links to attend the sessions are in the ConferZoom confirmations. There are also links to add session info and join links to your calendar.

Register for the Sessions

CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Meet the Speakers

Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum

CCC Digital Learning Day 2019 will showcase a keynote presentation from a national thought leader, student experiences, and the teaching and learning innovations of CCC faculty.


Meet the Speakers

CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Idea Forum

Igniting Creativity & Curiosity

On Thursday, February 28, 2019, the California Community Colleges will celebrate national Digital Learning Day with a free, statewide online conference brought to you by CVC-OEI. CCC Digital Learning Day will inspire educators to ignite creativity and curiosity. To help us get started, let’s collectively identify the topics to explore on February 28th! Below, add your topic suggestions and/or vote for others. The topics that have the most votes by the end of November will be used in the #CCCDLDay program.

What topics should we explore on CCC Digital Learning Day, 2019?

If you vote or add a topic you will be asked to log in but that is optional. At the bottom of that window is an option to proceed by selecting 'No thanks, I don't want to.'

  • Post early to get your idea upvoted
  • Don't forget to vote

What We Learned from CCC Digital Learning Day

On February 22, 2018, @ONE  coordinated a free, one-day untethered conference that was part of the national Digital Learning Day celebration. Our event, CCC Digital Learning Day #CCCDLDay, was planned in collaboration with a group of CCC faculty and staff. @ONE opened a call for proposals, arranged a full day of speakers, and invited colleges throughout the state to coordinate on-campus events that would enhance our day-long online program. @ONE has always offered online professional development and we know that is important to reach you, especially those who teach part-time. Our model for untethered professional development fosters a connection between the online program and what's happening on campus, while ensuring all who want to learn and grow can do so without needing to spend a dollar on travel. 

When we started planning CCC Digital Learning Day, we did not know what would happen and we did not know what we would learn.

What happened?

We collected attendance data and sent an evaluation survey to all attendees from which we received 119 responses (22% response rate). We invite you to view the data by downloading a PDF of the slides.

Here are some highlights:

  • Thirty one CCCs (27%) signed up to host an on-campus viewing room or other event. 
  • 85 CCCs were represented (3 in 4) by the online and on-campus participants.
  • 1,643 session attendances (online and on-campus duplicated headcount)
  • 531 attendees (online and on-campus unduplicated headcount)
  • Hundreds of tweets were sent using the hashtag #CCCLearn (a couple of which are embedded to the right)

What did we learn?

Your @ONE team carefully reviewed the attendance and evaluation data. Here is a summary of what we learned.

  • You want more untethered PD events. Ninety-eight percent of those who responded to the post-event survey said they would likely attend another @ONE untethered conference (74.8% would definitely attend and 23.5% might attend).
  • Untethered PD is important to our system. You let us know that untethered professional development plays a key role in your professional growth too. Seventh-nine percent of evaluation responses indicated that it increases access to PD and 9.2% sais without it you would not have access to PD at all).
  • We have to foster more relationships with campuses. The level of engagement from the 85 CCCs represented through the attendances varied. One college, City College of San Francisco, led the way with 68 attendees. We had 16 colleges that had 10 or more attendees (led by San Diego Mesa College, Glendale Community College, Fresno City College, and Long Beach City College), 17 colleges with 2-9 attendees, and 16 colleges with one attendee. We have solid ground in place to build upon at most colleges and work to do at other colleges. 
  • On-campus communications are key to campus-wide PD engagement. Nearly half (47%) of those who responded to the evaluation learned about CCC Digital Learning Day from a campus announcement and, 19% learned about it from the @ONE newsletter (sign up for our newsletter here!), and about 12% learned about it from a colleague. Understanding the impact of campus announcements underscores our need to foster relationships with on campus PD contacts to ensure everyone who wants to learn and grow knows about our offerings.
  • Earning flex credit is key. Roughly half (47%) of survey respondents shared that they earned flex credit for the sessions they attended on CCC Digital Learning Day. This is an area with which we need your help, as we know that campuses that provided flex credit for CCCDLDay participation had higher attendance rates. 

What's Ahead?

@ONE will continue to offer untethered events. Here's what we have in the works rightnow!

  • New Untethered Events & Programs!
    • First Fridays: Each month during the academic year, starting in May 2018, we will coordinate a mini, 2-hour online program featuring speakers from across the system. These events will wrap up by early afternoon. We will be listening to your feedback and pivoting based upon what we learn.
    • Can-Innovate: As the use of Canvas as a common course management gained traction across our system, this annual, one-day conference has been tremendously popular to those who have been able to attend in person in the past.  This year, on Friday, August 24, 2018, we'll be taking Can-Innovate online and offering it as an untethered conference. The call for proposals will open in April so starting thinking about what you're doing with Canvas (in your class or on campus) that you'd like to share with your peers across the state and beyond.
  • What you can do:
    • Get connected. If you don't already receive the @ONE newsletter sign up now to be sure you receive updates about First Fridays (starting in May) and Can-Innovate (Friday, August 24th).
    • Speak with your peers about coordinating on-campus activities that complement the 2-hour online program. These may be discussions/hands-on sessions held in the afternoon following the sessions, the next Friday, or throughout the month. Consider integrating the untethered format into your campus events too! Create an inclusive PD culture by inviting those into the discussion who cannot be on campus but still want to learn.
    • Increase your reach. Social media is a powerful way to connect with more people and share the hard work you are doing on campus. Find your peers who use Twitter for professional growth. Start a Twitter account for your campus PD efforts. Follow your connected peers, encourage more to get involved, and follow @ONE too!
    • Send us feedback. We are listening. If you haven't noticed, we have a feedback form built into our website to make it easy to send your ideas to the @ONE team. We read every single one! Or if you'd prefer to send an email directly to one or more of our team members, you will find our contact information here

Thank you for helping us make our first #CCCDLDay at success. 


A Few Tweets Sent on #CCCDLDay

Get Ready for CCC Digital Learning Day

CCC Digital Learning Day, February 22, 2018










Get Ready for CCC Digital Learning Day

Digital learning is anchored in connection and sharing. That's why @ONE (Online Network of Educators) is hosting  CCC Digital Learning Day on February 22, 2018. The day will be a statewide, untethered professional development experience that will explore the various ways the digital era is reshaping teaching and learning, as well as how we communicate and share with one another and our students. Our CCC event will be part of the 7th annual national Digital Learning Day, comprised mostly of K12 schools conducting face-to-face events. We invite you to join in!

Free registration for the online events will be available on February 14th. Until then, here are a few ways you can get ready!

Make #CCCDLDay Your Own

CCC Digital Learning Day is a new event for @ONE, and we are very excited about it. Our primary goal is always to support your needs and that is one of the reasons CCC Digital Learning Day is unique. @ONE will host a series of online sessions --  from national thought leaders, your CCC peers, and our students -- that will be enhanced by your local campus events. Currently, we have 18 campuses signed up to host group viewing rooms for the sessions, experimentation labs, and more. View our campus activity list to see what's happening on your campus, contact with your campus coordinator to learn more, or sign up if you don't see your campus on the list (the doc is editable so just click and type!).  We even have flyers and other promotional resources available to support your efforts.

Share Your Story in our Video Contest

When you reflect on how your formal and informal learning have changed as a result of our digital era, what stories come to mind? Share them with us! Our CCC Digital Learning Day Video Contest is open through February 12th. We've got some great prizes lined up for students and faculty/staff. Learn more and help us spread the word!

Attend our Webinar this Thursday to Get Ready

Register for the free webinar, Get Ready for CCC Digital Learning Day, on Thursday February 8th at 1pm PT to connect with @ONE and your peers about what's happening on February 22nd.

Tweet Your Love!

Share your enthusiasm, questions, or ideas about CCC Digital Learning Day with the hashtag #CCCDLDay. We are listening.