What's New with @ONE - the Online Network of Educators?

Happy New Year!!

Yes, that is what I meant to write. I know it’s July, but we operate on a July-June fiscal year, so this is the time the @ONE (Online Network of Educators) team reflects on last year’s work and gets ready to tackle a new set of goals. And we couldn’t be happier that we are entering the new year with two new instructional designers - Liz du Plessis and Shawn Valcárcel!

Liz du Plessis was the instructional designer at Santa Rosa Junior College for three years before more recently working for the fully online college (“CalBright”). Liz has been active with @ONE as a facilitator and presenter and is also an adjunct history instructor. Shawn Valcárcel comes to us from Mt. San Jacinto College, where he worked as an instructional designer. He is also a part-time online music instructor and has worked with @ONE in the past. Shawn and Liz join our current Instructional Designers, Helen Graves and Cheryl Chapman. You can see profiles and contact info for all of our team on our website

Highlights from Last Year

Thanks to the hard work of our entire PD team and the CCC educators who facilitate our courses, contribute to Pocket PD articles, and serve as course reviewers, we were able to bring you the following in 2018-2019:  

A Look Ahead

And those are just some of the things our team has been working on! Here are two more:

Adoptable @ONE Courses are now in the Canvas Commons

Many of you have asked for copies of our courses so that you can use them as part of your local professional development programs. Helen Graves has been hard at work to respond to this need. Thanks to Helen, you can now find nearly a dozen CVC-OEI/@ONE adoptable courses in the Canvas Commons, including some of our most requested four-week courses, courses to support peer online course review and use of the rubric, and the self-paced accessibility courses brought to us by the CCC Accessibility Center. To find these adopable courses:

Please note: Our adoptable courses are licensed with CC-BY license, which means you're free to adapt them provided you attribute CVC-OEI.

*If you do not see a link to the “Commons” in your Canvas menu, contact your campus Canvas Admin to request that this feature be enabled.

New Names for Our Certificates

@ONE has gone through changes over the last three years, and so have our certificate programs. Several years ago,  we replaced the original Online Teaching Certification with the Course Design Fundamentals Certificate. In 2017, we also introduced a second certificate in Online Teaching Principles. Since then, we have heard from many folks that it’s no longer clear which certificate is the right one to use for “certifying” faculty to teach online, or which one DE Coordinators should recommend to new faculty. 

We hope these small changes we’ve made to the names will help clear up any confusion:

Certificate in Online Teaching & Design

Formerly: Certificate in Course Design Fundamentals

We recommend this program for preparing/certifying faculty to teach online and to prepare staff and instructional designers who support online teaching. The certificate prepares participants to develop and teach effective, interactive, and accessible courses that promote student retention and success. 

Cheryl Chapman is leading a project this summer to redesign the 12-week Online Teaching and Design (OTD) course. It will continue to be one option for participants to earn the certificate, although Online Teaching and Design course may have a new name after the redesign! Look for a launch of the updated “OTD” in the fall. 

Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles

We’ve added “Advanced” to the title of this certificate to reflect that we recommend this certificate for experienced online teachers, DE support staff, and instructional designers who are ready to explore how their humanized presence in the course along with culturally responsive and dynamic teaching practices can positively impact students.

Join Us!

While you are learning more about our certificate program, we invite you to put in your proposal for Can•Innovate 2019 and mark your calendars for October 25! Also, see what your CCC colleagues are talking about on Twitter using the hashtag #CCCLearn.

There are so many great things happening in our system right now and we want you to be a part of the conversation!