Accessibility Professional Development
Section D, Accessibility may be one of the most difficult sections of the CVC Course Design Rubric to align. If your review team checks for accessibility, they should be continuously attending accessibility professional development. Here are some CVC@ONE courses that focus on accessibility and that your review team can complete.
Note: All of these options (except the last option) are appropriate for both course authors and reviewers.
Intro to Designing for Accessibility
This short, self-paced mini-course provides an introduction to the need for accessibility, what content should be made accessible, and basics on how to format in Canvas. It's not in-depth but is a good starting point for instructors who are pretty new to accessibility.
NOTE: There’s also an adoptable version in the Canvas Commons if you want to customize the course for your campus.
This is an adoptable course that walks through the specific steps to formatting for Section D, items 1-7 (Canvas pages), and D12-13 (video and audio). It also includes recommendations for how to manage “external” file content (Word, PPT, PDF). Your college can download the course from the Canvas Commons and adapt it for use with your faculty (reviewers and course authors). It can be offered either as a self-paced or facilitated professional development.
Reviewing Accessibiit for the CVC Coruse DesignRubric
This is a resource for reviewers (and even course authors) that highlights all areas of Section D as well as other accessibility items that often occur during course review.
10-Day Accessibility Challenge
This resource can be integrated into your preparation materials for faculty and staff. Visit the Foothill Online YouTube Channel to view the Playlist with all 10 videos
Individual Videos
- Day 1: Introduction To Headings (Access the updated video for the Rich Content Editor in Canvas (January 2021)
- Day 2: Heading Structure
- Day 3: Headings vs Text Formatting
- Day 4: Unordered Lists (Bullets)
- Day 5: Numbered Lists (Numbers)
- Day 6: Meaningful Links
- Day 7: Alternative Text
- Day 8: Complex Images (Long Descriptions)
- Day 9: Color Contrast
- Day 10: Closed Captions (Subtitles)