Peer Online Course Review
Peer Online Course Review (POCR) was established through a partnership by the CCC Chancellor's Office, CVC@ONE and the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges (ASCCC) to create a process and framework for high-quality online course design. CVC@ONE’s role is to assist and support colleges in creating their individual Local POCR processes to align with the quality standards of the CVC Course Design Rubric. Local POCR Certification is the culmination of a process where the college's POCR team demonstrates fluency with the Course Design Rubric and illustrates an effective peer review process to implement the quality standards in the rubric.
CVC@ONE Course Design Rubric
The CVC@ONE Course Design Rubric contains the online course design standards developed and adopted by the CVC@ONE, in collaboration with the ASCCC. The Rubric is intended to establish standards relating to course design, interaction and collaboration, assessment, learner support, and accessibility in order to ensure the provision of a high-quality learning environment that promotes student success.
Contact Us
For questions or information about POCR or to apply to become a POCR certified college, contact