Reviewer Training

Reviewer Training

POCR Team Members should complete two types of professional development. 

  1. Course Design Professional Development
  2. CVC@ONE POCR Course

Course Design Professional Development

Course reviewers should complete professional development that focuses on online teaching and design (this would be the same PD that your faculty completes as part of your college’s POCR process). Many colleges have created their own in-house professional development that is typically modeled after CVC@ONE’s Online Teaching & Design (OTD). It is recommended that this type of professional development covers: 

  • Course design
  • Interaction 
  • Assessment
  • Accessibility


The CVC@ONE POCR course focuses on building the skills necessary for the successful review of online courses and the development of meaningful feedback. Successful participants will develop strategies to offer collegial, rubric-based, and actionable feedback to peers. 

This course is six weeks in length, and is offered several times a year at no cost to colleges in the California Community Colleges system. POCR Leads receive an email every semester with POCR dates and registration links. 

This course should only be completed by faculty who will become part of your college’s Review Team. This course is not meant to prepare faculty to design courses (CVC@ONE’s Online Teaching and Design focuses specifically on course design). 

If you are a POCR Lead and need information about upcoming POCR course offerings, email

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