We do not have a POCR Lead

What is the role of the POCR Lead on a campus?

A campus POCR Lead is the liaison between your campus and CVC@ONE team, keeping your local POCR team informed and organized before, during, and after local POCR certification. 

Each campus creates a unique pathway to earning the Quality Review badge, and the POCR Lead serves as the primary source of information for faculty interested in having their courses reviewed and aligned.

POCR Leads keep track of the faculty who have courses in review, and they assign these courses to members of their POCR team. The POCR Lead can also be a member of a POCR Team, depending on the size of your campus and/or team.

After a course is aligned, the POCR Lead submits the course information to CVC@ONE for displaying the earned Quality Review badge in the CVC Exchange. They forward pertinent CVC@ONE updates and information to their POCR team that are important to the local POCR process. They also ensure their local POCR team is attending at least two statewide norming sessions per year.

Examples of POCR Lead Activities

Before Certification:

  • Recruit the initial POCR Team
  • Create or revisit the local POCR process
  • Use existing tracking forms or create new ones with the team
  • Create a POCR Canvas shell or site for housing local forms and other process information
  • Initiate contact with the CVC@ONE team and apply for certification

During Certification:

  • Identify three courses for the certification pathway
  • Organize meetings with your team and the CVC Faculty Mentor
  • Assign reviews to your team
  • Facilitate your POCR process debrief meetings

After Certification:

  • Celebrate your success with communications to key stakeholders, presentations to your local Senate, key committees, and the Board of Directors
  • Forward statewide norming session information and registration links to your team
  • Schedule and facilitate local norming sessions where necessary
  • Continue reviewing and aligning courses according to your local process
  • Use the Dashboard to submit aligned course information and to keep track of your college’s aligned courses
  • Serve as a spokesperson and ambassador for POCR at your campus

How do I become a POCR Lead?

Any faculty member at your campus can become a POCR Lead. The most common route to becoming a POCR Lead is through membership in your campus Distance Education (DE) Committee, being the current DE Coordinator, or being passionate about online teaching. Some campuses may require Senate approval for their POCR Leads, and some campuses may have the POCR Lead role written into their CBA.

If you are not the DE Coordinator at your campus, find out who is and connect with them to start the POCR Lead conversation. 

Success Stories

Statewide POCR Lead Contact Information

You can also contact the CVC@ONE team at support@cvc.edu to get connected with another college's POCR Lead who is willing to share their insights and experiences in the role.

Request for Assistance

If you feel like you need more information or assistance, please use this form to request assistance.

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