Adopt a Course through Canvas Commons
@ONE develops online professional development courses in partnership with faculty and staff across the California Community College system. These courses are designed in Canvas and offered regularly by @ONE as facilitated or self-paced professional development experiences.
Canvas Commons Makes Adopting An @ONE Course Easy
Some of our courses are now available for download from the Canvas Commons so that colleges may adopt or adapt them as part of a local professional development program for online teaching.
You can find several facilitated and self-paced CVC-OEI/@ONE adoptable courses in the Canvas Commons, including some of our most popular four-week courses, courses to support peer online course review, and use of the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric, and the self-paced accessibility courses brought to us by the CCC Accessibility Center.
To find these adoptable courses:
- Go to the Canvas Commons
- In the search box at the top, enter “CVC-OEI Adoptable”
Required Attribution
@ONE courses are shared with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY). You are free to re-use or adapt the content, provided you include one of the following attributions:
- Re-Using a Course - Use this attribution if you are re-using the course without any changes.
- @ONE Course Title by @ONE (Online Network of Educators) is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license and is made possible through funding from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.
- Adapting a Course - Use this attribution if you make changes to the course.
- This work is a derivative of @ONE Course Title by @ONE (Online Network of Educators) is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license and is made possible through funding from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.
Have a question about our adoptable courses? Contact us!