Advanced Techniques with Canvas

Advanced Techniques with Canvas

You must be an employee of a California Community College to enroll in this course.

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This 4-week course builds on your experience with Canvas and helps you make more sophisticated use of the Canvas environment to enhance student success. We will explore strategies for using Canvas tools to support effective course design, from making the most out of Modules to using CSS to add visual flair in the Rich Content Editor. You will learn effective practices in assessment, from Quizzes to the Assignments page. By the end of the course, you will be ready to take your Canvas course design to the next level of expertise.


Fulfills: This course does not fulfill a requirement for any @ONE certificates.
Duration: 4 weeks
Time Commitment: approximately 10 hours per week, for a total of 40 hours
Pre-requisite: Completion of Introduction to Teaching with Canvas or equivalent skills
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Guide students along a structured learning path using advanced Module techniques
  • Give students individualized opportunities for success using advanced Quiz techniques
  • Add meaning to assessment using Outcomes, Rubrics, and Assignment Groups
  • Bring visual spice to the Rich Content Editor using advanced HTML techniques

Optional Graduate-Level University Credit

Participants in this course can seek optional graduate-level university credits by dual-enrolling in TEC 1900 at Fresno Pacific University. A separate fee due to FPU will apply.

Registration Tutorials

catalog tutorial

First time attendee registration tutorial

Returning attendee registration tutorial

Dropping a Course

We know that sometimes even the best-laid plans go awry. If you find you need to drop your @ONE course, please:

NOTE: If you drop prior to the first day of class, Contact Us to request a refund.

Fresno Pacific University (FPU) Course Credit

Graduate-level university credit (optional) is available for @ONE courses for a fee. Please see our Graduate Education Units page for more information.

I have questions
about courses

We understand that there are many options and sometimes you have questions. Most questions can be answered immediately with FAQ articles. If not then contact us.

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