Online Mental Health Counseling for Non-Clinicians

Online Mental Health Counseling for Non-Clinicians

Mental Health Nonclinicians


In this course, counselors will gain knowledge about how to support students in mental distress while counseling in the online environment including how to provide effective resources and referrals. Participants will also learn to use the various e-learning and communication tools.

Course Requirements: Must be a California Community College Counselors with a Master's Degree in Counseling or Licensed California Community College Mental Health Clinician employed by a California Community College with a current CCC email address.


Fulfills: This is a course focused on general counselors to address the basic areas of consideration associated with the referral to mental health counseling when providing services in an online environment. It is not intended as formal training, permission to practice as a mental health counselor or for certification or licensure in the mental health field

Duration: 2 weeks

Time Commitment: approximately 10 hours per week, for a total of 20 hours

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Cost: Free


By the end of this course, counselors will be able to:

  • Summarize the importance of student mental health
  • Identify multiple forms of distance mental health services
  • Identify students in need of mental health services
  • Demonstrate effective mental health referrals
  • Identify local and statewide mental health resources

Optional Graduate-Level University Credit

Participants in this course can seek optional graduate-level university credits by dual-enrolling in HBM-1594 at Fresno Pacific University. A separate fee due to FPU will apply.

Registration Tutorials

catalog tutorial

First time attendee registration tutorial

Returning attendee registration tutorial

Dropping a Course

We know that sometimes even the best-laid plans go awry. If you find you need to drop your @ONE course, please:

NOTE: If you drop prior to the first day of class, Contact Us to request a refund.

Fresno Pacific University (FPU) Course Credit

Graduate-level university credit (optional) is available for @ONE courses for a fee. Please see our Graduate Education Units page for more information.

I have questions
about courses

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