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Create: Igniting Our Collective Imagination

The topic of mindset comes up frequently, as it relates to our students and their academic success. How often, though, do we challenge ourselves to have a growth mindset in terms of our collective digital literacy? Please join us for this session as we focus on our role as creators. Explore how to expand our imagination to create engaging and memorable course content. Examine some of the tools that can be used in the creation process. Extend your capability through the process of curation.

CCC Digital Learning Day 2019

CCC Digital Learning Day is a free, online conference designed to be a day of exploration to tickle your curiosity, showcase effective uses of digital tools in teaching and learning across the CCCs, and provide opportunities to experiment with emerging technologies in a safe, supportive peer-based environment.

We invite you to attend our online program on your own (it’s free and online) or coordinate a group viewing room on your campus paired with customized events to support your college.

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