
Once your POCR Team is formed and you have identified your resources, it is time to design the POCR process for your college.

Required Elements

Keep in mind these elements required by the California Community College's statewide faculty senate, ASCCC, that need to be part of your plan:

  • Review of courses is peer-to-peer, i.e. reviews are done by trained faculty Peer Reviewers. Instructional designers and other Distance Education support staff may serve as reviewers with the approval of the local Academic Senate.
  • Reviewers are trained through the CVC@ONE POCR Course.
  • Reviews are conducted and documented using the CVC Course Design Rubric.
  • Courses designated as “Quality Reviewed” in the CVC Exchange must be verified as aligned by your college’s POCR Team and CVC@ONE POCR Lead.
  • Reviewers engage in regular norming and training on the use of the rubric and best practices in online course design.

Each College's Unique Plan

Aside from those elements, a college is free to design and develop a process that fits the campus culture, local operating norms, and faculty needs. The design of your plan should include answers to these questions:

  • How will courses be solicited for and selected for review?
  • How will faculty express interest and submit courses?
  • How will reviewers be identified?
  • How will reviewers be paired with reviewees to conduct the reviews?
  • How will the results of the review (i.e., the completed rubric) be tracked and recorded?
  • How will accessibility be reviewed? 
  • How will alignment happen?
  • How will instructors be supported with alignment in Sections A-C?
  • How will instructors be supported with remediating any accessibility issues found in Section D?
  • How will the meetings between instructors, reviewers, and those providing support be facilitated and supported?
  • What, if any, other local processes will be built into the reviews? For example, one college ties in a local ZTC requirement in order to earn a badge, meaning the course must be aligned and also use a Zero Textbook Cost resource.
  • Who will verify that the course has been fully aligned to the CVC Course DEsign Rubric and is ready to submit for badging to CVC?
  • What, if any, compensation will participants receive (including faculty authors who remediate their courses, peer reviewers and leads)? Note that CVC@ONE does not provide recommendations around compensation, as these are locally determined and negotiated. Colleges have reported using flex or professional development time, stipends, and reassigned time for this work.

We strongly suggest you build in regular meetings for the review team and the faculty authors whose courses are being reviewed. 

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