PR Toolkit to Promote and Recognize Quality Reviewed Badging
Once your college is Local POCR Certified, consider ways to promote Quality Reviewed (QR) badging at your campus. Here are some ideas from other CCCs.
How to Promote Your Program
Cerro Coso College identified these four key areas of communication for promoting Local POCR:
- Inform faculty and other stakeholders about the benefits of course review.
- Invite faculty to prepare and submit courses and to serve as reviewers.
- Report to faculty and other stakeholders about courses reviewed, success stories, etc.
- Discuss process and outcomes within the POCR Team and make continuous improvements.
College of the Redwoods shared these ideas:
- Distance Education Committee provides regular updates in the committee meetings and includes them in the minutes.
- Academic Senate requests for the Campus POCR Lead to be put on the Academic Senate agenda multiple times during the academic year. They also facilitate a discussion with senators, and report out on progress. They also ask senators to take the information back to their constituents.
- Division/Department Outreach means deans and chairs invite discipline-specific colleagues to speak at Division meetings.
- Deans and Directors accommodate requests to speak at the Dean’s Council. The review team also initiates and maintains communication with deans and directors.
Additional channels for promoting your Local POCR program include:
- Emails and social media
- Emailed/online newsletters
- A POCR page on the college website
- Universal announcements in Canvas
It is important to recognize the time, effort, and dedication that goes into aligning a course to the CVC Course Design Rubric. Some ideas from Consortium colleges for recognizing participants in Local POCR are below:
- Awarding Flex Day hours for aligning a course or participating in POCR training
- Salary advancement or professional growth credit
- Recognition ceremonies: Opening Day, Academic Senate Meetings, etc.
- Email/newsletter recognition from deans and/or VPs
Consider sources of funding that can help sustain your program and reward participation. Sources that some Consortium schools have tapped into include:
- Professional development funds
- Equity funding
- Program review funding