For Course Instructors

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Resources for Instructors

Course Design Showcase

Do you need some inspiration with a particular section of the rubric? Peruse Course Design Showcase to get instant access to creative course design practices and strategies shared by online faculty, archives of webinars, and other resources.  You'll see the cascading array of approaches there are to designing a quality online course.

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Course Design Resources

Looking for ideas to use in your online course? Are you trying to align your course to the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric? While the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric provides clear, concise guidelines for the design of your online course, there are infinite possibilities for how to apply those guidelines based upon your students, subject matter, and teaching style! The Course Design Resources provide detailed insight into most design elements from the Rubric, with suggestions and examples for how it

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Course Design Training

@One offers of variety of courses on how to design an exemplary learning experience for your students in Canvas using the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric. You can choose from 12-week, 4-week, and/or 1-week courses that cover content presentation, interaction, assessment,  and accessibility. Sign up for one of our courses or complete a pathway to earn your Certificate in Online Teaching & Design!

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ABCs of Online Course Design

self-paced badgeBased on national standards for high-quality online learning, the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric establishes standards relating to course design, interaction and collaboration, assessment, learner support, and accessibility. This course will spell out design guidelines and better prepare you to apply the rubric to your own course design. [suggested as a pre-review resource]

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Designing for Accessibility

self-paced badgeWe want all our students to have a great learning experience, don’t we? Designing with usability/accessibility in mind will help students with disabilities be successful in your course. As an extra benefit, adding usability features gives ALL students the opportunity to learn more effectively. You’ll leave this course with an understanding of accessibility basics for designing course content in Canvas. [suggested as a pre-review resource]

Go to Accessibility course

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