
C-I 19 Logo

Friday, October 25, 2019 • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time


Ideas for Promoting Your Viewing Room

We often hear that getting the word out about your group viewing room is the hardest part. Below we have compiled some examples from past events that we hope will give you some great ideas!

Examples of Can•Innovate 2018 Promotional Materials

Creative Communication Ideas

Get your colleagues excited about Can•Innovate by creating a quick and fun video with Adobe Spark. Here's an example from February's CCC Digital Learning Day from Katie Palacios at San Diego Mesa College. View our Tips for Teaching with Adobe Spark Video for help getting started.

Katie Palacios' Tweet explaining the 5 reasons video

Use Twitter to promote your group viewing room. Be sure to include our event hashtag #CanInnovate19.

Other Effective Practicess

  • Food and beverages. If you can secure funding for coffee, breakfast, lunch or yummy treats, be sure to include that information in your promotional materials.
  • Flex Credit. Everyone who attends Can•Innovate (even those who attend online from off-campus) receives verification of attendance at the session-level. Most colleges provide flex credit for attendance. Include these details in your promotions so it's clearly communicated in advance.
  • Tips for engaging your stakeholders.
    • Get on the agenda for relevant committee meetings in August, September, and October. These may include your Distance Education Committee, Faculty Senate, Professional Development Committee, Educational Technology Committee. Bring lots of flyers to share!
    • Do you have a central hub/portal for PD? Be sure to include your group viewing room there and feel free to use our promotional graphics too.
Decorative Flowers
Decorative Flowers
Decorative Flowers
Decorative Flowers

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