CCC Digital Learning Day - 2019 - Program

Exploring Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum

Attend one session or the whole day! The morning portion of program will get you on track to transform your teaching with Adobe Spark Video and participate in our Create Challenge! The afternoon starts with reflections from students, advice on information literacy from librarians, and two faculty spotlights featuring Google Maps, Google Tour Builder, and Twitter for relevant, meaningful learning.

Archives for each event are now available.

Full Program

● Keynote Session 9:00am - 9:45am Pacific ●

Create: Igniting our Collective Imagination

The topic of mindset comes up frequently, as it relates to our students and their academic success. How often, though, do we challenge ourselves to have a growth mindset in terms of our collective digital literacy? Please join us for this session as we focus on our role as creators. Explore how to expand our imagination to create engaging and memorable course content. Examine some of the tools that can be used in the creation process. Extend your capability through the process of curation.
Bonni Stachowiak Portrait
Bonni Stachowiak
Director of the Institute for Faculty Development and
Host of the Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast
Vanguard University

● General Sessions 10:00am - 10:45am Pacific ●

Gift Box Icon

Making Creativity SPARKle in Teaching and Learning

Adobe Spark Video is a free tool that enables the creation of videos that are like visual stories. In this session, Matt Mooney, History professor at Santa Barbara City College, and Amber Greene, a student of Matt's, will discuss how Adobe Spark Video was used to cultivate creativity in Matt's teaching and Amber's learning. Get teaching tips and advice from Matt and learn from Amber about the impact of using creation as a form of assessment.
Matt Mooney Portrait
Matt Mooney
Santa Barbara City College
Amber Greene Portrait
Amber Greene
Santa Barbara City College

● 11:00am - 11:45am ●

Gift Box Icon

Adobe Spark: Demo and Create Challenge

After Matt Mooney dazzles you at 10:00 with his teaching innovations using Adobe Spark Video, attend this session with Adobe's Donna Caldwell. Donna will help you get started with your first Adobe Spark Video and invite you to submit your link to us for our Create Challenge! The winner will win a cool prize from Adobe!
Donna Caldwell Portrait
Donna Caldwell
Sr. Education Solutions Consultant

● 12:00pm - 12:45pm ●

Creation zone
Put your new video creation skills to work! We've intentionally left the lunch hour free to give you time to experiment and create your Adobe Spark Video. We'll be inviting you to submit your video to us and one creative educator will win a cool prize from Adobe!

Create Challenge Form

● 1:00pm - 1:45pm ●

Student Panel: The Ins and Outs of Digital Learning

Learn from our panel of experts! We will be joined by a group of California Community College students. They will share their experiences using digital tools in their classes.
Fabiola Torres Portrait
Fabiola Torres
Instructor of Ethnic Studies
Glendale Community College
Jessica Bush Portrait
Jessica Bush
Arizona State University
Henry Fan Portrait
Henry Fan
Foothill College
Kelly Ann Gleason Portrait
Kelly Ann Gleason
Cuesta College
Bonnie Harper Portrait
Bonnie Harper
Barstow Community College

● 2:00pm - 2:45pm ●

Scaffolding Information Literacy in Canvas

Do you struggle with getting your students to use quality, relevant resources in their research assignments? In this session, librarians will share best practices for scaffolding information literacy into your classroom curriculum through Canvas. Information literacy involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to locate, evaluate, and use that information effectively. We will discuss information literacy scaffolding in your syllabi, assignments, rubrics, and resources in your course.
Cynthia Mari Orozco Portrait
Cynthia Mari Orozco
Librarian for Equitable Services
East Los Angeles College
Aloha Sargent Portrait
Aloha Sargent
Technology Services Librarian
Cabrillo College

● 3:00pm - 3:45pm ●

Gift Box Icon

Networked, Global Learning with Twitter

Student-student interactions are an essential element of active, meaningful learning experience. How might you go beyond Canvas to leverage Twitter as a vehicle to connect your learners in reflections and dialogue? Each day 100 million people use Twitter to share brief communications and resources with a global audience and 80% of these interactions occur from mobile devices. In this session, Chelsea Cohen and Gena Estep will share their pedagogical applications of Twitter to engage their students with the authors and topics represented in the curriculum and in historical role-playing activities.
Chelsea Cohen Portrait
Chelsea Cohen
Instructor of English to Speakers of Other Languages, DE Coordinator
Laney College
Gena estep portrait
Gena Estep
Assistant Professor.
Folsom Lake College

● 4:00pm - 4:45pm ●

Gift Box Icon

Mapping Content and Contexts with My Maps and
Tour Builder by Google

Interactive, digital maps provide learners a way to explore relationships between abstract ideas and real-world contexts. In this session you'll meet a teacher and a student who will show examples of student work created with My Maps, an easy tool for making and sharing custom Google maps online. Students collaborate by adding "pins" to locations on a shared class map along with their own written content, images, and videos. Examples of student work include an icebreaker activity, a map of international events, and a map of historical figures and events. You'll also see examples of how people are using Tour Builder to tell stories around the world through Google Earth's imagery. Instructional materials will be provided so you can get started creating custom maps and supporting students as they visualize what they're learning in geographic context.
Liz du Plessis Portrait
Liz du Plessis
Faculty/Contract Faculty
Barstow Community College; California Online Community College
Mayra Avila Portrait
Mayra Avila
Barstow Community College

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Copyright © 2019 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office