How create a DIY professional portrait

Everybody looks at profile pictures. A good photo can enhance your professional presentation and first impression. So let's make them great.


Phone on tripod taking picture of beautiful sunset

1. Avoid shaky pictures

Use a tripod, binder-clips or a stable friend. Or better yet, a friend with a stable tripod. Modern phone cameras take great pictures and have timers. A shaky, blurry picture doesn't look professional. Another variable that can make pictures blurry is insufficient lighting.

2. Stand or sit in front of a plain background

Busy backgrounds can be distracting and make a picture harder to crop. A simple background draws attention to you. TIP: some phones have Portrait Mode which is designed to blur the background.

Portrait of man with white background and crop marks
Three professional women. Crop marks around women in the middle

3. Give us extra space to size and crop

For portraits, we use a standard portrait ratio of 1.5 x 2. We are happy to size and crop your picture to match our design. It might be best to let us right size a picture than giving us a picture that is cropped too tight. Way too much is always just enough... for us to do our magic and make you look your best.

4. Pay attention to light and shadows

Avoid dark images and strong shadows. TIP: Diffused and side-light looks best such as sitting or standing very close to a window to the left or right of your face can create very flattering lighting. Early or late in the day has the softest light. LED or incandescent light is better than florescent.

Women with glasses and soft side-light
Character with glasses and had and t-shirt with text

5. It's great to be yourself, but...

Be authentic, be relaxed and by all means you do you but remember that hats and sunglasses are not recommended. Your fans want to see you not your Ray-Bans.

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