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Welcome! Great online education doesn't just happen. It involves effective teaching and course design, which are two sides of the same coin. We know that connecting with peers and seeing examples from other classes is one of the best ways to spark new ideas for your own online classes. And that's the goal of the @ONE Showcase. Each section of the Showcase provides immediate access to teaching and course design strategies, practical how-to tutorials, video recordings of conversations, and more to support your growth and development as an online instructor.

Check back often, as this is a dynamic, evolving collection fueled by CCC teaching faculty, instructional designers, and support staff.


Online Teaching Showcase

The ideas and practices shared in the Online Teaching Showcase are aligned with the @ONE Quality Online Teaching Principles. You will find videos and reflective posts from faculty across the CCC system. 

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Course Design Showcase

The Course Design Showcase includes resources to support you as you design or redesign your online course. It is aligned with the four sections of the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric and demonstrates the wide array of practices in use in online classes across the system that fulfill the rubric criteria.

View the showcase by section by clicking the links below or view the complete showcase by clicking the button at the bottom.

Section A: Content Presentation: 
This section of the rubric addresses how content is organized and accessed in the course management system. Key elements include course navigation, learning objectives, and access to student support information.

Section B: Interaction
This section of the rubric addresses instructor initiated and student-initiated communication. Key elements of quality course design covered in this section include regular effective contact, student-to-student collaboration, and communication activities that build a sense of community among online learners.

Section C: Assessment
This section of the rubric addresses the variety and effectiveness of assessments within the course. Key elements include the alignment of objectives and assessments, the clarity of instructions for completing assessments, and evidence of timely and regular feedback.

Section D: Accessibility
The elements in this section of the rubric are reviewed to determine if a student using assistive technologies will be able to access course content as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (also known as "508 Compliance").

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Unless otherwise noted, resources shared on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright © 2019 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office