Can•Innovate 2019 - Full Program

C-I 19 Logo

Friday, October 25, 2019 • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time

Can•Innovate is a free, online conference designed for California Community College Canvas users.

In support of California's 114 community colleges that use Canvas, Can•Innovate showcases creative practices in online teaching and course design. Communities that share together, innovate together. 


9:00 - 9:45 am


Kona Jones Bio Pic

Integrating Compassion into Your Teaching

Kona Jones

Director, Online Learning, Richland Community College

Compassion can take many forms including kindness, caring, empathy, concern, sensitivity, and consideration. Teaching with compassion provides a safe environment for students to grow and learn from their mistakes. When students know they are cared about as individuals, they become open to challenges and push themselves to do their best. For this session, I will first provide context by sharing my story of teaching with compassion. Then I will provide specific examples of integrating compassion that anyone can make their own. Come prepared to do some deep thinking about your students, and learn how you can make small but meaningful changes in your teaching.

10:00 - 10:45 am   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

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Chelsea Cohen
Chelsea Cohen
Inger Stark
Inger Stark

Applying the Peralta Equity Rubric to Promote Connection and Belonging

The revised Peralta Online Equity Rubric emphasizes a new criterion called “Connection and Belonging.” In this workshop, we present three model practices: one introductory discussion along with two sample assignments that align with this criterion. Participants will leave with ideas of how to reformulate their own assignments to foster a sense of connection and belonging.

Canvas Combo

This session includes two 15-minute presentations with time for Q&A. 

Logan Murray
Logan Murray
Mike Vogt
Mike Vogt

Meet the CCC Canvas Community Home Base!

If you are a member of a California Community College, the CCC Canvas Community Home Base is your destination for Canvas support, resources, and to connect with your peers. In this session, we will get you connected and demonstrate how to leverage this powerful resource to support your use of Canvas. You will learn how to set up your profile, follow discussions, share content, promote events, and make Canvas feature requests.

Laura Gibbs
Laura Gibbs

Javascript Magic in Canvas: Randomizing Widgets, No Coding Required!

The Canvas Widget Warehouse at contains randomizers you can copy-and-paste into Canvas. With randomizers, you can display fresh content — text, links, images, videos — whenever the page loads. You can also create your own randomizers with the free tool No coding required! Just imagination.

11:00 - 11:45 am   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

Spotlight Speaker

Jory Hadsell
Jory Hadsell

Beyond Canvas: The CVC Exchange and Local POCR

Join our Executive Director Jory Hadsell as he shares the CVC-OEI’s efforts to bring high-quality online classes and services to the California Community Colleges system. You’ll get the latest on how expanding the CVC Exchange and Local POCR can support your efforts to help students succeed. Whether you are new to the CVC-OEI or already at a Consortium college, we encourage you to attend and learn more about the exciting ways we are supporting innovation in online learning.

Canvas Combo

This session includes two 15-minute presentations with time for Q&A. 

Donald Carlisle
Donald Carlisle

Audio Feedback! Instructor Interactions that Motivate Students

Many studies have validated that online students prefer audio feedback over written feedback. Research also shows that when online students have the opportunity to hear their instructor deliver feedback, they feel more connected to a community of learners, have a stronger perception that their instructor is invested in their learning, and may be more likely to incorporate the feedback into their revision process. Voice feedback also fosters a more inclusive learning environment, supporting the needs of more learners including those who are native speakers of other languages.

DJ Hawkins
DJ Hawkins
Bri Kuhn
Bri Kuhn

ConferZoom for Dynamic Student Conferences

ConferZoom is a dynamic, easy-to-use video conference tool provided free to CCC faculty through CCCTechConnect. ConferZoom can increase interaction, develop community, improve retention, and promote equity. Presenters will discuss how faculty can facilitate synchronous student conferences while utilizing the ConferZoom Annotation and Save features.

12:00 - 12:45 pm

Mid-Day Fun

Lené Whitley-Putz
Lené Whitley-Putz

Canvas Trivia with Kahoot!

Join your colleagues across the state and beyond for an interactive Canvas trivia session! In a fun and supportive environment, you will compete with your peers for a position on our leaderboard and learn a lot about Canvas in the process. You may participate from a computer or a mobile device. For mobile participation, please download the free Kahoot! app on your smartphone or tablet prior to the start of the session.

1:00 - 1:45 pm   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

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Alice Dieli
Alice Dieli
Leslie Reeves
Leslie Reeves

Quick Fixes Using Tools to Create Accessible Content

In this presentation, see faculty using the Canvas accessibility checker, Grackle (free tool for Google files), Adobe Acrobat DC, and Ally, to create original accessible files and to identify and fix accessibility issues in older resources in a Canvas course. Get some tips about how to use each of these tools efficiently to maximize faculty time and student accessibility.

Canvas Combo

This session includes two 15-minute presentations with time for Q&A. 

Professor Apigo
Maritez Apigo

Group Discussions for Increasing Interaction, Engagement, and Equity

Whole-class discussions can be difficult to follow with multiple conversations happening at once. Some students dominate and others get lost in the mix. Many participate with minimal replies. The presenter will demonstrate how she uses Canvas Groups and Discussions to create more intimate discourse. The result is more equitable and engaging student-to-student interaction.

Kim Vincent-Layton
Kim Vincent-Layton
Armeda Reitzel
Armeda Reitzel
Becky Williams
Becky Williams

Data at Your Fingertips: Supporting the Success of all Learners

How are students engaging in your course? Enter Analytics Beta, a visual dashboard that provides instructors an in-depth look at how students are engaging at any point in time. Hear how one instructor has used this tool to support students by making informed pedagogical and design choices, as well as provide critical communication when students need it most. Data at work!

2:00 - 2:45 pm   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

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Ed Beyer
Ed Beyer

Using Flashcards for Self-Assessment

You will learn how to create, post, and embed flashcards into a Canvas course using Microsoft PowerPoint and a Microsoft OneDrive account.

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JoEllen Green
JoEllen Green
Monique Kelley
Monique Kelley

Embedding Quizzes in Video

Have you ever created a set of videos, but you don’t think your students are viewing them? Or you want to evaluate whether the videos are explaining the concept in a way your student can understand? We will show you how to add questions to your videos to make sure students are viewing them and evaluate the video effectiveness.

3:00 - 3:45 pm   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

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Anna Sterling
Anna Sterling
Micah Orloff
Micah Orloff

Design 2 Align Camp: A Model for Redesigning Courses in Community

You will see an example of a structured model for supporting a group of faculty through a design process to achieve alignment with the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric. You will be guided through the program outline, discuss key findings and challenges, share faculty reflections and explore funding options for incorporating something similar at your campus.

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Pat James
Pat James
Aloha Sargent portrait
Aloha Sargent

Taking the Pain Out of "Group Work"

When you think of assigning group work for your students, do you cringe and know that you will have a multitude of complaints about "slackers" from your students? Do you think the pain is not worth the gain but know it's good for students? Participate in planning a new way to approach collaboration in Canvas by attending this session.

4:00 - 4:45 pm   -   Register for ONE of these concurrent sessions.

Spotlight Speaker

Erin Keefe
Erin Keefe

Stump the Panda

This is an open-ended session hosted by one of Instructure’s Canvas experts, Erin Keefe. You’ll be invited to ask your most pressing “How do I…” questions and learn a ton in a very short time.

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Jim Julius
Jim Julius
Bonnie Peters
Bonnie Peters
Karen Turpin
Karen Turpin

Bringing the CVC-OEI Online Ecosystem to Life Through the MiraCosta College Student Support Hub

You will see an example of how institutions can use Canvas to create a holistic learning environment. MiraCosta’s Online Instructional Technologist will share instructional design tips and innovative techniques that helped create an application experience to provide students access to online student support services.

All sessions were recorded and are now available on each event page.

Unless otherwise noted, resources shared on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright © 2019 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office