Creating Accessible Course Content
Creating Accessible Course Content
You must be an employee of a California Community College to enroll in this course.

Creating Accessible Online Courses provides an overview of accessibility within online courses, focusing on the skills you will need to make your course both technically accessible and usable to a broad range of students. The course covers how to use online tools, including your course management system (CMS), to create accessible resources, to retrofit existing resources, and to curate new resources. The focal point of the course is learning how to use editors (both in your CMS and in common software, such as Microsoft Word) to enhance accessibility.
Optional Graduate-Level University Credit
Registration Tutorials
First time attendee registration tutorial
Returning attendee registration tutorial
Dropping a Course
We know that sometimes even the best-laid plans go awry. If you find you need to drop your @ONE course, please:
- Log in to @ONE registration Catalog.
- From your student dashboard, select the “drop the course” option.
NOTE: If you drop prior to the first day of class, Contact Us to request a refund.
Fresno Pacific University (FPU) Course Credit
I have questions
about courses
We understand that there are many options and sometimes you have questions. Most questions can be answered immediately with FAQ articles. If not then contact us.