The Learning Never Stops: Preparing to Teach in an Emergency


The Learning Never Stops: Preparing to Teach in an Emergency

Emergency power shut-offs.   Fire evacuations.   Pandemic quarantines.

The list of emergencies that could require you to temporarily move your course online seems to be growing every day. CVC-OEI provides a robust set of instructional resources for Canvas and online course design that can aid faculty, administrators, and instructional support staff with the transition of on-campus courses into the distance education modality.

Don't wait for disaster to strike - check out these resources and prepare now.

CVC-OEI Emergency Preparedness Resources: Planning for uninterrupted instruction and student support in the event on-campus courses need to temporarily move online.

Course Design Rubric: The CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric can be used as a checklist for instructors who are moving instruction from the classroom to the Canvas common course management system. The Rubric guides instructors on setting up a course with clear navigation, regular effective contact, effective assessments, and accessibility compliance.

Canvas Support Portal: This one-stop resource includes links to the CCC Canvas Home Base, a Canvas Community where users can access text and video user guides and post questions to the Canvas Community. 

Byte Sized Canvas Videos: These short, desktop video tutorials provide pedagogical and technological tips on the use of Canvas.

Student to Student Interactions This Pocket PD Guide shows instructors how to meet the student-student interaction requirement that is now part of the Title 5 Education Code for California Community College Distance Education courses (Instructor Contact, Section 55204).

Adoptable Courses: Colleges needing to quickly prepare faculty to teach online in the case of an emergency can download courses from CVC-OEI/@ONE and adapt them to use locally. Fourteen “CVC-OEI Adoptable” courses can be found in Canvas Commons, including Introduction to Online Teaching & Learning,  Introduction to Course Design, and Introduction to Designing for Accessibility.