Back by Popular Demand: College Coupon Codes for PD!


Our team is geared up for spring! Our Spring 2021 courses are now open for enrollment and our team is working on meeting your needs in the year ahead!

To help support the growing need for professional development across the CCC system, we are bringing back the option for colleges to purchase bulk enrollments (in the form of coupon codes) for faculty and staff to participate in the award-winning online professional development courses offered by @ONE. 


To order 10 (minimum) or more coupon codes for faculty to enroll in courses, you will need to complete a request form. To complete the form, you’ll need to have the following information:


Prior to completing the form, we recommend that you contact your campus business services office to discuss how payment will be processed and obtain written confirmation about the payment process from the campus purchasing office, business services office, dean, or VP. A tracking sheet will be shared between your college and CVC/@ONE to track coupon use for enrollments. Colleges will be invoiced monthly as the promotional codes are used, with payments due to Foothill-DeAnza (FHDA) within 60 days. 


It is the college's responsibility to manage the promotional codes. When giving out coupon codes, please inform your colleagues that: :

Faculty who enroll but later decide that they need to drop will need to complete the drop process PRIOR to the first day of class or the college will be charged the enrollment fee; please make sure your faculty know, if their plans change and they no longer are planning to remain in the course they need to drop immediately.


Coupon codes are a great way for colleges to support faculty and staff participation in professional development. If you have any questions about this service, please contact Stacey Carrasco, Senior Program Coordinator, at